The S.S. Anne is a famous, luxury cruise liner that docks in Hazeport City post-game. It travels the world carrying a lot of strong trainers. To get on the S.S. Anne, players must first obtain the SS Ticket, which are given by Professor Thorn after defeating all banished trainers in the Outer Dimension.
When first entering the S.S. Anne, the player encounters Lorelei outside of the bottom-leftmost room on the second floor of the ship. She says that she was looking for Agatha, an Elite Four as well as a fellow traveller of hers, who can be found talking to the captain of the ship on the third floor. She then offers a battle and once the player has successfully defeated her, they can be able to talk to the captain and start the sidequest.
The quest is to find the missing captain's granddaughter. He says his granddaughter likes to play hide and seek around the ship. She can be found in the following order:
On the first floor, under the top-leftmost room
In the kitchen on the second floor, hidden between the pantries
On the west side of the basement
The captain will reward the player the Old Sea Map as soon as the player has done finding his granddaughter. The map unlocks a new area, the Rubble Island, which can be accessed by speaking to the Boatman in Dunedrift Bay.
Flare Mission[]
This is needed to unlock the Hoopa Portal in the Virtual Briefing Room.
In the bottom-rightmost room on the 2nd floor, the player will find this dimension's Giovanni and his son. Talk to Giovanni, and he will initiate a double battle. Once the player has won, the maid blocking the door on the top-rightmost room on the second floor will be gone and the player will be able to talk to the Looker. He will tell the player about a suspect that entered the boat, but is in a disguise. This man will be on the 1st floor above the central room. Once the player talks to him, he will exit the ship and can be found in the top-left area in Hazeport. Talk to him and he take off his disguise and be revealed as a Team Flare Grunt, then he will initiate a battle. Once the player has won, he will mention his boss looking for a way to Rubble Island.
On Rubble Island, the boss, who reveals himself to be Lysandre, can be found near the Shedinja static encounter on the right side of the island. Initiate a battle and, once the player has won, they will be able find Zygarde in Pebbledust Cave in place of the Earth plate.