Pokemon Infinity Wiki
Pokemon Infinity Wiki
Trident Tower
Trident Tower
Echo Ridge Cave
Echorock Town
Rolling Ridge
Moon Stone Path
Haydust Town
Location of Trident Tower in Egho.

Trident Tower is a tall 8-story building situated in the southwest part of Hazeport City. This is the location of the Trident Tower Tournament, which functions similarly to other regions' Pokémon League tournaments. The player battles against four competitors and, if victorious, will win the tournament and enter the Hall of Fame.

The Trident Tower is also where players can revive fossils into living Pokémon on the second floor. On the 7th floor, there is the Battle Simulator, where players can battle against random trainers, similar to the Battle Tower in other games. The 6th floor is the Connection Lobby, where players can EV train, trade with NPCs, access the Password Vendor and use the Cable Club machine. The Cable Club machine allows players to trade and battle with their friends using an online connection.

After winning a postgame tournament, the combination Ability Changer and Omni Tutor will appear on the second floor.


Trident Tower
1F 2F 6F
Trident Tower 1F Trident Tower 2F Trident Tower 6F
7F 8F Rooftop
Trident Tower 7F Trident Tower 8F Trident Tower Rooftop


First floor[]

This floor serves as a lobby. The receptionist near the entrance welcomes visitors.

Second floor[]

Fossil Revival[]

On the right side of the room, there is a scientist who can revive a fossil you give him after 24 in-game hours:

Fossil Pokémon
Helix Fossil Omanyte
Dome Fossil Kabuto
Old Amber Aerodactyl
Root Fossil Lileep
Claw Fossil Anorith
Skull Fossil Cranidos
Armor Fossil Shieldon
Cover Fossil Tirtouga
Plume Fossil Archen
Tusk Fossil Arctusk
Horn Fossil Iceros

Varia Stone quest[]

A scientist on the left side of the room will request a sample of DNA from every Eeveelution in the game bar Vareon. Upon completing this quest, the scientist will give a Varia Stone, which is used to evolve Eevee into Vareon.

After completing the Varia Stone sidequest and beating the Villains Gauntlet, this scientist will sell evolutionary stones:

Varia Stone guy
Varia Stone Varia Stone
Pokémon Dollar500,000
Fire Stone Fire Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Water Stone Water Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Dusk Stone Dusk Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Dawn Stone Dawn Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Moon Stone Moon Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Astral Stone Astral Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone
Pokémon Dollar7,600

Ability Changer and Omni Tutor[]

This employee only appears when the player has beaten the game and won a postgame tournament. He can be found near the stairs on the left, and can both change a Pokémon's ability and teach them any tutor move in their movepool.

  • Change to a regular ability — PokémonDollar130,000 or 3 Odd Keystones.
  • Change to a Hidden Ability — PokémonDollar475,000 or 15 Odd Keystones.
  • Tutor a move — 1 Odd Keystone.

Some special tutor moves can only be taught by this employee:

Tutor Move Pokémon
Aura Sphere MewtwoDialgaPalkiaGiratina
Baton Pass BeedrillSpearowFearowRapidashFarfetch'dDodrioHypnoVaporeonJolteonFlareonZapdosEspeonUmbreonNatuSwellowLunatoneSolrockLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Belly Drum PoliwagPoliwhirlPoliwrathDrowzeeHypnoPolitoedWooperQuagsire
Block BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurCharmanderCharmeleonCharizardSquirtleWartortleBlastoise
Blue Flare Victini
Bolt Strike Victini
Bounce Gyarados
Bug Bite Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor
Charm VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Cotton Guard Banette
Covet VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Double-Edge VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Drain Punch Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor, plus:
KokiseedKokipoundKokismashEgho AzurillEgho MarillEgho AzumarillEgho TrubbishEgho GarbodorSorcericeKecleodonEgho TangelaEgho TangrowthEgho ChanseyEgho BlisseyKidfootSnosquatchGrasquatchJollibirdGargonWardernDragoyleOculeusArkhaosViledoomMortossumMewthreeTogemonOgremonWereGarurumonLillymonMonzaemonMetalGarurumonOmnimonEtemonMetalEtemonWizardmon
Encore RaltsKirliaGardevoirCacneaCacturneGallade
Extreme Speed DratiniDragonairDragoniteEnteiSceptileLinoone
Fake Out Mew
Fire Pledge Charizard
Follow Me Egho SquirtleEgho WartortleEgho BlastoisePikachuMrElectabuzzPichuJirachiElectivireGorochu
Glaciate Victini
Grass Pledge Venusaur
Gravity Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor, plus:
Porygon-XGirafarafGiragiraMissing No.
Growl VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Gunk Shot Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor, plus:
Heart Stamp Jirachi
Inferno MisdreavusMismagius
Last Resort VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Low Kick Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor, plus:
Meteor Mash MachampJirachi
Metronome ClefairyClefableJynxCleffaSmoochumSorcericeJollibird
Octazooka Sableye
Outrage Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor, plus:
Pain Split Rotom
Pay Day Jollibird
Power Whip Gyarados
Psycho Boost Lugia
Quick Attack VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Recover MiloticUxie
Relic Song Meloetta
Roar of Time Darkrai
Sand Attack VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Secret Sword Keldeo
Seismic Toss ChanseyTeddiursaUrsaringBlisseyTyranitarMawileVolbeat
Shift Gear Genesect
Sing PikachuRaichuMeowthEeveeVaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonPiplupPrinplupEmpoleonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonGorochuFaeralynxOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Sleep Talk All Pokémon that can learn Rest
Snatch Rotom
Spacial Rend Darkrai
Tackle VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Tail Whip VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Tailwind Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor, plus:
Egho CharizardEgho WartortleEgho BlastoiseGargonWardernDragoyleEgho CyndaquilEgho QuilavaEgho TyphlosionNimbeonQuezsparceSunfloridJollibirdEgho TangelaEgho TangrowthGarudamon
Take Down VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
Teleport Pokémon that can learn this move via Let's Go TM and their evolutions, plus:
Egho ShellderSkulkrakenSorcericePorygon-XMewthree
Trick Pokémon that can learn this move via OR/AS move tutor, plus:
SphynxeonMockroachMushlingPsycholyteShroomageGirafarafGiragiraMissing No.PiximonWizardmon
Trump Card VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeonGlaceonSylveonOmeonChampeonLepideonGuardeonObsideonScorpeonSphynxeonNimbeonDraconeonEeveeonVareon
V-create RayquazaVictini
Water Pledge Blastoise
Weather Ball BellsproutSunfloraLugiaHo-OhCastformSnoruntRoseradeCherubiDrifloonSnoverVanilluxeEgho SwabluEgho AltariaSunfloridVolcanionBulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurEgho ChikoritaEgho BayleefEgho Meganium
Wish LickitungChanseyKangaskhanBlisseyBagonShelgonSalamenceLickilicky

Sixth floor[]

This floor is a Connection Lobby, where players can trade their Pokémon via the Cable Club machine. Appropriately, there are three in-game trades available here. To the right is the Password Vendor, where players can redeem passwords to earn valuable rewards.

An AI trainer is available to EV train in a specific stat, battle a clone of your team, and check your IVs / Hidden Power type. Each team built for EV training has 6 Lv. 50 Pokémon that yield 3 EVs in their specific stat, which totals 18 EVs for that stat per battle before taking any modifications into account (so a Pokémon holding the Power Weight battling the HP EV trainer would earn 40 HP EVs per battle).

Grass Mail Grass Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Flame Mail Flame Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Bubble Mail Bubble Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Air Mail Air Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Bloom Mail Bloom Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Tunnel Mail Tunnel Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Steel Mail Steel Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Brick Mail Brick Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Heart Mail Heart Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Snow Mail Snow Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Space Mail Space Mail
Pokémon Dollar50
Mosaic Mail Mosaic Mail
Pokémon Dollar50

Seventh floor[]


Token Exchange[]

The stock changes depending on the in-game day of the week. Each item costs one Trident Token.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Metal CoatAstral StoneRare CandyMoon Stone Dusk StonePP UpPoison BarbZinc Dawn StoneHP UpDragon ScaleHard Stone Shiny StoneThunder StoneDragon FangCarbos Fire StoneCalciumExpert BeltIron Water StoneProteinSilver PowderLeaf Stone MagmarizerProtectorElectirizerKing's Rock

Eighth floor[]

This floor is a lobby for the Trident Tower Tournament, where players can register to battle against top trainers around the region.

Poké Ball Poké Ball
Pokémon Dollar200
Great Ball Great Ball
Pokémon Dollar550
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball
Pokémon Dollar1,200
Potion Potion
Pokémon Dollar200
Super Potion Super Potion
Pokémon Dollar450
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion
Pokémon Dollar1,200
Full Heal Full Heal
Pokémon Dollar600
Antidote Antidote
Pokémon Dollar100
Awakening Awakening
Pokémon Dollar250
Burn Heal Burn Heal
Pokémon Dollar250
Ice Heal Ice Heal
Pokémon Dollar250
Paralyze Heal Paralyze Heal
Pokémon Dollar200
Revive Revive
Pokémon Dollar1,500
Repel Repel
Pokémon Dollar500
Super Repel Super Repel
Pokémon Dollar950
Max Repel Max Repel
Pokémon Dollar1,650
Escape Rope Escape Rope
Pokémon Dollar550

Poké Ball Poké Ball
Pokémon Dollar200
Great Ball Great Ball
Pokémon Dollar550
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball
Pokémon Dollar1,200
Potion Potion
Pokémon Dollar200
Super Potion Super Potion
Pokémon Dollar450
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion
Pokémon Dollar1,200
Full Heal Full Heal
Pokémon Dollar600
Full Restore Full Restore
Pokémon Dollar2,500
Antidote Antidote
Pokémon Dollar100
Awakening Awakening
Pokémon Dollar250
Burn Heal Burn Heal
Pokémon Dollar250
Ice Heal Ice Heal
Pokémon Dollar250
Paralyze Heal Paralyze Heal
Pokémon Dollar200
Revive Revive
Pokémon Dollar1,500
Max Revive Max Revive
Pokémon Dollar4,000
Max Potion Max Potion
Pokémon Dollar1,500
Repel Repel
Pokémon Dollar500
Super Repel Super Repel
Pokémon Dollar950
Max Repel Max Repel
Pokémon Dollar1,650
Escape Rope Escape Rope
Pokémon Dollar550


Battles for the Trident Tower Tournament take place here. Although this area is outside, a hired trainer's Castform will ensure that no outside weather inferferes with the battles.



Pokémon Location Levels Rate
Trade (6F)
Egho Chansey
113 Trade
Same as traded Only one, Saturday only
588 Trade
Same as traded Only one, Thursday only
616 Trade
Same as traded Only one, Monday only

Static encounters[]

Pokémon Location Level Conditions Notes
Time Weather Day(s)
Victini Victini
On rooftop, in the center of battle field 120 Any All Any Appears after beating N and having won the Trident Tournament 15 times
  • Light red indicates an encounter that is non-recurring, which does not respawn after a standard 24-hour cooldown.
Psychic Fire
Victory Star
Held item:
Bag Focus Sash Sprite Focus Sash
Victini Lv.120
Searing Shot
Fire Special
Focus Blast
Fighting Special
Psychic Special
Fire Physical


For trainer information related to the daily tournament, see Trident Tower Tournament instead.


Item Location Icon lessitems
Up-Grade Up-Grade On the bottom-right desk
Dubious Disc Dubious Disc On the desk next to the laptop after beating the game
Varia Stone Varia Stone Received from a scientist after completing the Varia Stone Sidequest
Trident Token Trident Token Received after beating seven trainers in a row in the Battle Simulator
Cherish Ball Cherish Ball From receptionist after winning a postgame tournament (repeatable)
Blunder Policy Blunder Policy From trainer near the stairs to the rooftop after winning a Super Rank tournament in the postgame
Trident Trophy Trident Trophy Received after winning the first tournament

If the "No Pokémarts" challenge option is active, winning the first tournament will earn the player 5 Heavy Balls, Quick Balls, Dusk Balls, Fast Balls, Repeat Balls, Nest Balls and Love Balls.


  • Unused dialogue exists for the fossil scientist. In the event the value that stores the chosen fossil is somehow deleted during the revival process, the scientist will tell the player "I managed to revive your fossil. However, what I brought back didn't live long... fortunately."
  • Two of the game's staff, Atomic Reactor and Feutor, will appear on the 2nd floor after beating the game.
Egho Source
Badge1 Icon Badge2 Icon Badge3 Icon Badge4 Icon Badge5 Icon Badge6 Icon Badge7 Icon Badge8 Icon
Haydust TownSearidge TownEchorock TownAmberfield TownHazeport SuburbHazeport CityDunestone OasisDiamondpeak Town
Moon Stone PathMerchant's RidgeStonedust TrailStonedust PeakStonedust GroveHayfield Path (Maze) • Hayfield PlateauGenisis ForestRolling RidgeRidgestone CemeteryPalkhan TrailPalkhan HeightsPalkhan PlateauPalkhan CliffRolling TrailAmber TrailDuneridge GorgeDunestone DesertPast Dunestone OasisDunestone CliffDunedrift BayHaytide CapeSuncrest IsleDewdrop CoastDiamondpeak SummitDiamondpeak CliffSeatide RidgeEgho SanctumWhirltide RockStonedust Grove LakeFarraway IslandRubble Island
Echo Ridge CavePebbledust CaveEchodrop CaveKoros CaveIrondune CaveHazeport Maintenance TunnelsSand Trap CaveTidecliff CaveIhd TempleFrostridge TunnelFrostridge CaveKoros TempleKronos TempleKayos TempleRegi ChamberIdle CaveMoon Ripple CaveGrimhollow CaveDisplaced CaveWhirltide Cave
Places of interest
Professor Thorn's LabName RaterTrick HouseHappiness CheckerMove RelearnerShard/Egg TraderEchorock TempleSafari ZoneDay-CareHazeport MuseumHazeport Game CornerHazeport Department StoreHazeport DinerHazeport Government CenterHazeport Sculpture GardenTrident TowerHazeport Residential Towers (EmeraldTopazRubySapphire) • Haytide Cape Boat HouseS.S. Anne
Random dimensions
Grassy TrailsForest ClearingSwamp ClearingMagma ChamberLost CavernMountainous PathSnowy FieldsOpen SeaAbandoned PathSavannah ValleyOuter Dimension
SubconsciousPurgatorySpaceHospitalComputerVirtual Briefing RoomUnown DimensionThorn's Other Lab